Call for Submissions
call for submissions
Refugee History is for journalists, policy-makers, lawyers, NGOs, students, activists, academics, writers and artists and anyone interested in enriching and informing current debates about refugees with new research, insights and reports. We are keen to hear from anyone and everyone in these fields.
If you would like to submit a post to Refugee History, please contact to discuss your idea. Drafts are edited by two members of the team and agreed with the author before publication. We accept and publish submissions throughout the year.
Posts are 800-1200 words and attributed to individual/s, not an organisation/s or anonymous author/s
Blogs should be written in a style that is easily accessible for non-experts and experts alike
Instead of footnotes, please use in-text links and/or suggestions for further reading
Please include a small biography (max 50 words) and a personal photo
Where possible, include an image (which you have permission to reproduce) — we can help with this if needed
You must declare any organisational affiliations, material that was used as the basis for your submission(where relevant, e.g. in a post based on an academic article), and funding received
We encourage authors to include links to any of their research or other projects relevant to